The origin of Elvis Presley’s name

Elvis Presley Sculpture

Elvis presley sculpture is very classic. If you look at Elvis Presley’s real name, it has nothing to do with Cat king, and this name only appears in Chinese. “Elvis Presley” is a combination of Elvis Presley’s nicknames “The Hillbilly Cat” and “the king of western pop”. The Hillbilly Cat means a kid from the country, and the king of western pop is the king of western pop music. The combination of cat and king is the origin of “Elvis Presley”.

Elvis Presley — the idol of the whole nation

Elvis Presley’s popularity can not be separated from his performance style. His figure of shaking his body on the stage has attracted numerous young girls. His style was sought after by the streets and alleys. Everywhere he went, there were thousands of people. So far, he has led the American music industry to a new chapter. There are 7 champion singles and 31 top ten singles in his life. The title of generation of pop stars needs no explanation.

This sculpture depicts Elvis performing on the stage. It is an excellent memorial sculpture. The lifelike sculpture seems to let us see the scene of Elvis playing the guitar and singing and dancing enthusiastically on the stage. Let us feel the atmosphere brought by sculpture.

Elvis Presley – sculpture details

size of Elvis Presley Sculpture

Elvis Presley sculpture makes many grandfathers and grandmothers who are no longer young seem to have returned to their youth. Let them enjoying the music atmosphere of their times. Once they were young teenagers and girls, they also had their music dreams. This sculpture makes them return to their youth, full of young vitality.

For those of us who are young now, we have never seen him sing, his name is familiar to us, and his music is still popular with countless people. This lifelike sculpture is elaborately made by the art master of Arturban sculpture foundry, which satisfies our fantasy of Elvis Presley in the young age.

We can see that the handsome Elvis Presley is taking light dance steps at his feet, playing the music rhythm with the guitar in his hand, singing unique songs, and matching with fashionable clothes and fashionable hairstyles. It is very perfect. Even the patterns on the guitar are very beautiful. The bronze sculpture color not only shows the classic artistic effect, but also will never be out of style when placed outdoors.

This splendid Elvis Presley sculpture is suitable for the art museum, square, garden… The classical figure modeling not only makes music lovers stop to enjoy the beautiful sculpture, but also adds a happy atmosphere to the surrounding environment. Musician statue conveys the power of art and culture, and makes the classical culture spread further.

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