Tag Archives: bronze jesus sculpture

Jesus Blessing Statue

1. Introduction of Jesus bronze Statue The image of Jesus Christ is at the core of the Christian faith, symbolizing God’s love and salvation. Throughout history, Jesus has influenced countless people with his selfless sacrifice and teachings. In particular, his spirit of dedication to humanity has become a beacon of faith and hope. Jesus’ posture […]

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Catholic Statue of Jesus

1. Introduction of Catholic Statue of Jesus Jesus Christ is the central figure of the Christian faith and is considered the Son of God and the Savior. Jesus’ teachings advocated love and forgiveness, emphasizing kindness and harmony between people. His life and teachings have had a profound impact on world history and culture, and have […]

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Sacred Heart Statue of Jesus

1. Introduction of Sacred Heart Statue of Jesus Jesus Christ is the central figure of the Christian faith and is regarded as the savior and the son of God. He symbolizes love, mercy and redemption, and is the bridge between mankind and God. In the Bible, Jesus saves the world with kindness and sacrifice, and […]

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Sacred Heart Statue of Jesus

1. Introduction of Sacred Heart of Jesus Figurine The Sacred Heart of Jesus is an important symbol of Christianity, especially Catholicism, representing Jesus’ unconditional love and spirit of sacrifice. The Sacred Heart is usually depicted as a burning heart surrounded by thorns, symbolizing the pain Jesus endured to redeem humanity and his infinite love for […]

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bronze statue of jesus

1.Introduction of bronze statue of jesus The bronze statue of jesus is an art form with a long history and profound religious significance. Since ancient times, Jesus Christ, as the central figure of the Christian faith, has been one of the sources of inspiration for artists. Bronze Jesus statues are a common form of artistic […]

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bleeding Jesus statue

1.Introduction of jesus bleeding statue The Jesus Bleeding Statue is a richly symbolic expression in Christian art. These sculptures usually depict scenes from the crucifixion of Jesus, especially the scene of Jesus being crucified on the cross, showing his sacrificial spirit of sacrificing himself to save others from the sins of mankind. These sculptures often […]

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Jesus bust statue

1.Introduction of jesus bust statue The Jesus bust statue is a form of artistic expression rich in symbolic meaning in Christian culture. These sculptures are often based on the image of Jesus Christ, showing inner emotions such as prayer, contemplation, compassion, and hope, and guiding people to reflect on the relationship between faith and life. […]

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Jesus Statue for Home Catholic Church

Jesus statue for home is ordered by one of our customers. Jesus is the founder of the Christian religion. According to the Bible, Mary was inspired to conceive and gave birth to Jesus in Bethlehem. He began preaching at the age of thirty, preaching the gospel. He was later charged by the Jewish priest, Caiaphas, and was crucified after being tried by the […]

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jesus and the children statue

1.Introduction of Jesus and the children statue The Jesus and the children statue is a successful case in our factory. Our sculpture is the scene of Jesus preaching with children, which vividly shows the scene of Jesus living with believers. Jesus had flowing brown hair, a beard and a robe. He stepped on a stone […]

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gold jesus statue

1.Introduction of gold Jesus statue Today we introduce a gold Jesus statue for you. Jesus, like God, radiated golden light and stood upright, as if saying that he was the son of the father and was one with the father. Believers feel that he will never die. He is the way, the truth and life. […]

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