Tag Archives: bronze nude statue

nude bronze sculpture

1.Introduction of nude bronze sculpture The female nude bronze sculpture is a very classic art form. Since the ancient Greek period, this form has appeared and has widely used in different fields of artistic creation, such as painting, sculpture, architecture, etc. The nude female sculpture is not only an art form, but also an exploration […]

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bronze dancer statue

1.Introduction of bronze dancer statue Gallod Holling sculpture is a bronze dancer statue with great artistic value. It presents an elegant dance posture, showing the beauty and vitality of human body. The dancer’s body is like a beautiful arc, and the arms and head also perfectly matches the dance movements. It not only shows the […]

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woman sculpture table

1.Introduction of woman sculpture table This bronze woman sculpture table is a very unique and artistic work. It shows the beautiful posture of a naked woman. This female naturally and gracefully sits on the ground, with two arms around the edge of the table, and the body supporting the whole table, which reminds people of […]

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art deco nude sculpture

1.Introduction of art deco nude sculpture This is a life size art deco nude sculpture. First of all, through the artist’s meticulous carving and conception of the real person, the real person sculpture is not only a work of art, but also a creative expression. It can make the people feel the real texture and […]

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nude women figurines

1.Introduction of nude women figurines This is a sexy nude women figurines. She sat on the rock, with one foot on the rock, and the other foot extended downward, as if she was slowly sliding into the water, and also showed her slender figure and slender leg shape. Her hands are on both sides of […]

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nude lady sculpture

1.Introduction of nude lady sculpture This is a delicate bronze nude lady sculpture. The beautiful woman stood there naked, with her feet slightly open and toes slightly raised, showing her sexy and charming figure. Her beautiful curly hair hangs behind her, her hands folded behind her, her head raised, and her eyes gently closed as […]

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Lady Water Fountain with Rotating Sunflower

1. Introduction of lady statue water fountain The original artwork of this water fountain lady statue holding a rotating flower in hand was created by Poland artist Ma•gorzata Chodakowska. This girl has a graceful and slender figure, holding a sunflower in her left hand, and water flows out of the curved line tube on the […]

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thinking man sculpture

1.Introduction of The Thinking Man Sculpture The Thinking Man Sculpture, also known as the meditative, was first built by August Rodan in a carved bronze carving on the crossbeam of the “Hellgate”. Later Luo Dan and his students reconstructed the statue with marble and gypsum, becoming one of Luo Dan’s famous works. The Statue Figure […]

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thinking man sculpture

1.Introduction of Thinking Guy Statue Thinking Guy Statue is one of August Rodin’s statue. The thinker adopts realistic techniques to express the humanistic spirit. The Statue Figure sat down with his right elbow on his left knee, his chin and lips in his hand, his eyes looking down, and his expression was painfully immersed in […]

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thinking man sculpture

1.Introduction of Famous Statue of Man Thinking Famous Statue of Man Thinking is Rodin’s most famous sculpture from “The Gate of Hell” .It is the thinker sitting on a stone with the back of his hand against his chin, as if thinking about something important. It even surpassed Michelangelo’s statue of David and became the […]

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