Tag Archives: Catalano traveler statue

frances bruno catalano statue

1. Introduction of frances bruno catalano statue When we see the frances bruno catalano statue, we will be shocked by the incomplete part of the sculpture. In Bruno’s sculpture artworks, the characters are missing parts. The upper part is connected through a suitcase or bag, which makes people feel like a part of the body […]

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bruno catalano for sale

1.Introduction  of bruno catalano for sale Bruno was born in Morocco in 1960. He was forced into exile in 1975 when he was 15 years old. He came to Marseille with the hope of a new life, but he never forgot the pain of leaving his hometown.In order to make a living, Bruno became a […]

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catalano sculpture

1.Introduction of Catalano Sculpture Catalano Sculpture is popular among people. These sculptures holding a suitacase, giving people feeling of fragment, dilapidate, difficulting to walk. Which represent that men is bearing heavy social pressure. Whether we are young or aging, they will have the impulse to escape from society. The body of Bruno Catalano Traveller is […]

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frances bruno catalano

1.Introduction of Frances Bruno Catalano Frances Bruno Catalano is a French sculptor who is famous for traveler sculptures with missing parts. He said: “in my work, I have been looking for movement and emotional expression. I am from Morocco and carry these suitcases, which represent memories. They contain experience and desire. Inspired by his own […]

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bruno catalano sculpture

1.Introduction of bruno catalano sculpture Bruno Catalano is a famous French sculptor who created a series of sculptures inspired by travelers . Sculpture’s feature is missing a part. The upper part is connected through a portable suitcase. Everyone’s body sculpture is hollowed out. when watching these bruno catalano sculpture, everyone’s mood will be different. It […]

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