Tag Archives: deer statue

bronze elk statue

1. Introduction of Elk Statues Outdoor Elk statues outdoor is looking up at the sky. Its open mouth wants to roar. Our sculptors vividly depict the appearance characteristics of elk. Our colorist has rich experience. Here, we use the method of thermal coloring to make the red brown hair. Our coloring adopts the line coloring […]

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life size elk statues

1. Introduction of Life Size Elk Statues Life size elk statues are popular decoration for outdoor. This life size bronze elk sculpture, with its forward steps and elongated neck. In the sun, its bronze hair radiates golden light, and our colorist adopts the method of different color of hair on the neck and body, which […]

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elk statues for sale

1. Introduction of Bronze Elk Statues Related Elk Deer Statue ATDR-020>> ATDR-001 ATDR-002>> ATDR-004>> ATDR-005>> ATDR-006>> ATDR-007>> ATDR-003>>  2. Project cases of deer sculpture 3. Production Process of Bronze Elk Statues Step1 Design   Communication:  You supply us with several photographs with dimensions.  Step 2: Project Consultation:  Our team will make a production plan, according to your […]

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bronze elk statue

1. Introduction of Bronze Elk Statue Bronze elk statue is a popular decoration for indoor and outdoor, Elk has strong muscles and strong limbs. Its agile action when running gives people a lightning speed. You can always feel its spirit like breath on it. The elk climbing sculpture is a strong elk standing on a […]

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life size bronze deer statue

1. Introduction of Bronze Deer Statue Bronze deer statue is very pouplar, it is standing on rock and it is roaring, looks very harmonious with the landscape. In the hearts of the ancients, deer is auspicious and magical animal. The dragons and unicorns in the ancient “Four Spirits” all have the characteristics of deer. In […]

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