Tag Archives: roaring bear statue

Grizzly Bear Sculpture

1. Introduction of Grizzly Bear Sculpture The Grizzly Bear is a large brown bear in North America, belonging to the Ursidae family, with the Latin scientific name *Ursus arctos horribilis*. Grizzly bears are mainly found in remote areas of Canada, Alaska and the northwestern United States. They are huge and known for their strong bodies […]

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brown bear statue

1.Introduction of brown bear statue Brown bear statue is life size. Brown bear is one of the largest mammals of Carnivora on land. Its head is large and round, its body is strong, and its shoulder and back are raised. The hair on back is thick and dense, up to 10 cm in winter; Different […]

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outdoor polar bear statue

1.Introduction of outdoor polar bear statue Outdoor polar bear statue is a monument that depicts a tragic incident involving a runaway polar bear. It was created by the artist David Annand to commemorate an event near Dundee, Scotland, in November 1878. A fairly large polar bear escaped his trainer and caused damage for hours before […]

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Large bear statues for sale

1.Introduction of Large Bear Statues for Sale Large bear statues for sale is a life size sculpture. On its body, we can see that it has thin and curly hair and sharp nails on its hands and feet, which makes us think of the sharp claws of Wolverine. It is frightening. It stands on the […]

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